Understanding the potential risks and opportunities posed by climate change is essential to developing management plans for physical and natural resources. Tierra Data incorporates a treatment of climate change into all planning and assessment documents using the best available science. We have led multi-stakeholder groups to develop climate change vulnerability assessments, created conceptual models focusing on habitat change, ranked species risk using NatureServe vulnerability indices, and used GIS to model habitat suitability for sensitive species in altered climates.
- GIS-based habitat suitability modelling under alternative climates
- GIS-based models for changes in sea level rise
- Vulnerability assessments
- Climate adaptation planning
- Climate informed monitoring plans
- Carbon sequestration verification
Carbon sequestration verification
Working with partners at SPAWAR and the National Phenology Network, Tierra Data facilitated a multi-day workshop to develop a climate change adaptation plan for Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach Detachment Fallbrook. Partners at this workshop included the USGS, The Nature Conservancy, Scripps Institute, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and US Fish and Wildlife Service. The products from this workshop became the core of a climate adaptation plan for the installation’s coastal sage scrub and riparian resources.